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Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

If you’re an SEO or content marketer, your goal is often to create content that ranks well for specific keywords and attracts backlinks.

That’s where linkable assets come into play.

These are standout pieces of content that naturally earn backlinks from other sites, boosting your website’s authority and search engine ranking. But what exactly are these “linkable assets,” and why are they so important?

In this post, we’ll dive into linkable assets—what they are, why they matter, and the top seven types you should know about. Plus, we’ll give you practical tips on how to create them.

By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to start creating effective linkable assets for your website. Let’s get started!

What are Linkable Assets?

A “linkable asset” is top-notch content created to naturally attract backlinks from other websites. Basically, if your content is so useful or interesting that other site owners want to share it with their own audience, you’ll get those valuable backlinks.

Examples of linkable assets include infographics, in-depth blog posts, white papers, case studies, and original research. (I’ll dive into these more later!)

Why are Linkable Assets Effective?

Linkable assets are a must-have tool for digital marketers, and for good reason.

Instead of just churning out content, these assets focus on providing real value. When you create something original, educational, and shareable, it naturally attracts backlinks from other sites that want to share your great content with their audience.

There’s a lot of content online, but not all of it stands out. A well-crafted linkable asset is thoughtful, clever, and offers something new. This makes it more likely that other websites will link to your content, broadening your reach.

Search engines also see backlinks as endorsements. Each link acts like a vote of confidence, telling search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. As a result, your site’s authority grows, and you’re more likely to rank higher in search results, which drives more organic traffic to your site.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

When other websites link to your content, it’s more than just a backlink—it’s the start of a relationship. These connections can lead to opportunities like guest posts, better collaboration, and more recognition in your industry.

Unlike paid ads, which stop working once you stop paying, linkable assets keep working for you long after they’re created. They’re a cost-effective way to boost your online presence.

Now, let’s dive into some of the best types of linkable assets you can create.


An infographic is a visual tool that combines images and brief text to present data or information in a clear and engaging way. It makes complex topics easier to understand quickly.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

So, why are infographics such great linkable assets?

  • Visual Appeal: People are naturally drawn to visual content. Studies show that 90% of information sent to the brain is visual, and the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. Infographics use this to their advantage by making data visually appealing and memorable.
  • Easy to Share: Infographics are simple to share across blogs, websites, and social media. This makes it easier for them to earn backlinks.
  • Simplifies Complex Info: Infographics break down complicated information into easy-to-digest pieces. This helps your content reach a wider audience, increasing the chances of getting links.

For example, Wordstream has a clear infographic on the best keyword placement strategies, which is a great example of how effective this format can be.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Case Studies

A case study is an in-depth look at a specific event, person, or organization over time. It’s a method for exploring and analyzing complex issues in real-life situations.

So, why are case studies great for building links? Here are four reasons:

  • Real-World Evidence: Case studies show actual results from your product or service, not just promises. This real proof can convince people to link to your content as a reliable source of information.
  • Storytelling Power: People connect with stories. Case studies tell a story of how a problem was solved or a goal was achieved. This makes your content more engaging and memorable, which can help it get more links.
  • Detailed Insights: Case studies offer thorough insights into specific topics. They provide valuable information that’s hard to find elsewhere, making them a prime target for backlinks.
  • Social Proof: Case studies serve as powerful social proof. They show how others have benefited from your product or service, boosting your credibility. When people see real success stories, they’re more likely to trust and link to your content.

For example, Smash Digital uses case studies to highlight the success of their marketing services. They created one to show how their SEO work helped a SaaS client boost revenue by 332%.

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Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

What was the outcome? There are 58 trustworthy domains with high-quality backlinks pointing to this case study, including Singlegrain and Entrepreneur.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Online Tools

Online tools are interactive features or programs on a website that solve specific problems. They are designed to make complex calculations easier, automate routine tasks, and provide valuable insights.

For instance, think about a mortgage repayment calculator. It’s a perfect example of an online tool that delivers real value to users.

With just a few clicks, users can estimate their monthly mortgage payments and manage their finances better. Tools like this not only address a common issue but also make your website more attractive for backlinks because they offer practical solutions.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Take the Ramsey Solutions mortgage calculator, for instance. It currently has over 19,000 backlinks pointing to it.

It didn’t get there overnight, but it shows what can happen when you create a useful tool that solves a common problem.

Mortgage calculators are just one type of online resource. There are many other tools out there, each with its own benefits and potential for backlinks:

SEO Tools: These help you analyze your website’s performance in search engine rankings. They’re crucial for anyone looking to boost their online presence. For example, SEOptimer offers several free tools, like a Keyword Generator, CSS Minifier, H1 Checker, and Internal Link Checker, which anyone can use to improve their site.

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Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Budget Planners: These tools help users keep track of their money. By entering their income and expenses, users get a clear picture of their financial situation and can make smarter spending decisions.

Fitness Trackers: Online fitness trackers let users log their workouts, track their progress, and even get personalized training plans. They’re perfect for anyone who wants to stay healthy and fit.

Content Idea Generators: Stuck with writer’s block? Content idea generators can quickly provide fresh and interesting ideas for your blog posts, keeping your content lively and engaging.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

These examples show just how versatile and useful online tools can be. The key to their linkability is their ability to actually help people and solve problems.

When people find a tool that’s genuinely useful, they’re more likely to share it on social media, blogs, or resource pages. That’s where the real power of these tools lies: in their ability to get linked and spread the word.

Also Read: Top Broken Link Building Services

Studies and Statistics

When it comes to snagging high-quality backlinks, research and statistics are your secret weapons. Here’s why they’re so powerful:

  • Credibility Boost: Hard data and research findings make your content more credible. They back up your claims with solid evidence, making your writing more persuasive.
  • Unique Value: Original research offers new insights that aren’t available elsewhere. This uniqueness makes your content more valuable and increases its chances of getting backlinks.
  • Shareability: Stats are easy to share. You can turn them into charts, infographics, or social media posts, making them highly shareable and likely to attract backlinks.

Let’s look at how you can use research and statistics to create linkable content:

Original Research: Conduct research in your field. For example, if you’re in e-commerce, you could study holiday shopping trends. Your findings could be valuable to others in your industry, encouraging them to link to your research.

By leveraging research and stats, you can create content that stands out and attracts valuable backlinks.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Industry Reports: Create an industry report using the information at hand. Bloggers, journalists, and business experts frequently link to these papers, which creates a continuous flow of backlinks.

The HubSpot State of Marketing study is an illustration of an industry study that produces a significant amount of backlinks.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Most marketers, I’m pretty sure, are aware of this report and download it annually to stay up to date on the newest developments in the marketing industry.

HubSpot receives a ton of backlinks from this report because of its worth and because marketers prefer to link to it from their own material.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

This page has more than 39,000 backlinks linking to it, as the screenshot above shows.

To put it simply, research and data are an effective means of establishing links because they provide a strong combination of unique value, trustworthiness, and shareability. You can improve the linkability of your material and increase your online visibility by include them in your content strategy.


PDFs that may be downloaded and e-books are rich sources of linkable resources. They are a useful technique for building high-quality backlinks because they are thorough, valuable, and simple to share.

Why Ebooks and PDFs?

  • High-Value Content: More in-depth, thoroughly researched content than a usual blog post or article can be found in ebooks and PDFs. They are more appealing to readers and have a higher chance of obtaining backlinks because of their high worth.
  • Evergreen Nature: The material in ebooks and PDFs is frequently evergreen, in contrast to news stories or blog posts. Long-term relevance and constant backlink building are its hallmarks.
  • Shareability: Sharing PDFs and e-books is simple. Backlinks can be generated in a variety of ways by readers downloading them, sending them to colleagues, or sharing them on social media.

Tying it with Case Studies and Statistics

Statistics and case studies are a great combination for eBooks and PDFs. How to do it is as follows:

  • Case Studies: Your case studies can be combined into an ebook or PDF, giving readers who are looking for actual instances of your product or service in use a single, all-inclusive resource. This improves your content’s linkability as well as its value.
  • Statistics: You may increase the authority and appeal of your material in your PDFs and ebooks by adding statistics. Statistics can be used to bolster claims, show patterns, or demonstrate how successful your good or service is.

Examples of Ebooks and PDFs

Here are some ways to use PDFs and ebooks as valuable linkable assets:

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
  • How-to Guides: Create detailed, step-by-step guides for your product or service. These guides help your customers and can attract backlinks from sites that appreciate thorough instructions.
  • Industry Reports: Compile an industry report using existing data or your own research. These reports are highly informative and often get linked by journalists, bloggers, and industry experts.
  • Whitepapers: Write whitepapers that dive deep into a specific topic. They’re considered trustworthy and authoritative, making them great for earning backlinks.

Offering downloadable PDFs and ebooks is a great way to build high-quality backlinks. By providing valuable, shareable content, you not only enhance your online presence but also position your business as an industry leader. Plus, ebooks can help generate leads, making them a win-win for both backlinks and lead generation.

Ultimate Guides

Ultimate Guides, also known as pillar posts, are in-depth articles that cover a specific topic from A to Z.

Think of them as one-stop shops for information, much like a detailed encyclopedia entry. They pack a lot of valuable content into a single, comprehensive resource, which makes them great for generating backlinks.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

For example, check out this Ultimate Guide from Pipedrive on creating your own sales plan. It’s a massive 6,900-word post that dives deep into every aspect of sales strategy. Because it’s so thorough and valuable, it has attracted a lot of backlinks to the Pipedrive blog—186, to be exact, at the time of writing.

Why are Ultimate Guides Good for Link-Building?

  • Authority Building: With Ultimate Guides, you will be seen as an expert in your area. By covering a subject in-depth, you establish credibility with your audience by showcasing your knowledge and skill.
  • SEO Benefits: Ultimate Guides are abundant in keywords and offer plenty of internal linking chances because of their length and depth. This might raise organic traffic to your website and enhance its SEO.
  • Link Magnets: Because Ultimate Guides are lengthy and in-depth, they are full of keywords and present many opportunities for internal linking. This could improve the SEO and drive more organic traffic to your website.
  • Evergreen Content: Ultimate Guides frequently address foundational subjects in your field that hold up throughout time. Long after they are published, they will still be bringing in traffic and backlinks thanks to their evergreen nature.


A strong linkable resource that can greatly increase your internet presence is a checklist.

They are a powerful tool for building backlinks and an appealing resource for readers since they are succinct, practical, and actionable.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Why Checklists?

  • Simplicity and Efficiency: Checklists simplify difficult activities by breaking them down into digestible steps that are simple to comprehend and adhere to. Their ease of use and effectiveness make them a popular resource, which raises the possibility of backlinks.
  • Actionable Value: Checklists, as opposed to other types of material, provide instantaneous, practical usefulness. The information in a checklist can be immediately put to use by readers, increasing its allure and spreadability.
  • Versatility: Almost any sector or specialty can benefit from the usage of checklists. You may make checklists that are pertinent to the requirements and interests of your audience, regardless of your industry—marketing, medical, education, or anything else.
  • Shareability: Checklists are useful, therefore people share them with friends, coworkers, and social media networks, which generates a lot of backlink potential.

Examples of Checklists

Checklists can be used as linkable objects in the following ways:

  • Step-by-step Guides: Divide a complicated procedure into manageable, straightforward steps. For instance, anyone wishing to establish a new website may find great value in this “Website Launch Checklist” that we developed.
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
  • Best Practices: Make a list of the best practices for a specific assignment or objective. Take SendGrid’s “Ultimate Email Marketing Checklist,” which offers businesses a convenient resource for their campaigns.
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Best Practices for Creating Linkable Assets

Understand Your Audience

The first step to creating content that attracts backlinks is to really understand your audience.

When you know what your audience wants and needs, you can create content that speaks directly to them, increasing the chances they’ll share it and link back to it.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Here’s how to get to know your audience better:

  1. Do Market Research: Start by defining who your ideal customer is. What’s their age group? What do they do for a living? Where do they live? The more details you gather, the better you’ll understand your audience.
  2. Analyze Your Current Audience: Use tools like Google Analytics to learn about your existing visitors. Look at their browsing habits, which pages they visit often, and what content they engage with. This will give you clues about their interests and preferences.
  3. Use Social Listening: Monitor social media to see what people are saying about your brand or industry. What topics are trending? What questions are people asking? This can help you find popular topics and issues to address in your content.
  4. Check Out Your Competitors: Look at what your competitors are writing about. What topics are getting the most attention and engagement? Use this insight to fill in any gaps and create content that stands out.

Remember, the goal is to create content that provides real value to your readers. The better you understand your audience, the more effective you’ll be at making content that they’ll want to share and link to.

Keyword Research

Well-thought-out keyword research is a crucial stage in producing linkable goods.

Through this approach, you can learn what your target audience and the general internet population are looking for online. It assists you in determining the subjects that are important and pertinent to them so that you can create material that fulfills their wants.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

Why Keyword Research?

  • Discover What Your Audience Wants: The precise phrases that individuals are typing into search engines can be found through keyword research. These insights can give you a lot of information about the topics and inquiries your audience is interested in.
  • Stay Ahead of Trends: You can identify new trends in your sector by employing tools for keyword research. This gives you a competitive edge by enabling you to produce content related to these popular themes before your rivals do.
  • Optimize for SEO: For SEO, keywords are essential. You may increase the amount of organic traffic to your website by optimizing your content with popular and relevant keywords. This will increase your exposure on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Create Relevant Content: You can be sure that the content you create is worthwhile and relevant to your audience by conducting keyword research. This raises the possibility that other websites may wish to link to your work.

Focus on Evergreen Content

A successful approach to producing linkable materials that genuinely last is to concentrate on evergreen content.

Topics that are valuable and relevant to readers long after they have been published are referred to as evergreen content. They’re not dependent on events or trends that could go out of style fast. Rather, they offer long-term benefits and draw in links over a considerable amount of time.

Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips

The Power of Evergreen Content

  • Long-Term Relevance: Since evergreen content never goes out of style, it may continuously bring in visitors and build backlinks to your website without needing to be updated.
  • Consistent SEO Value: Evergreen subjects routinely rank highly in search engine results because of their enduring relevance. This SEO endurance can draw in more organic visitors and help you keep your online presence.
  • Lower Maintenance: Evergreen content requires less maintenance than time-sensitive content, which needs to be updated frequently. You invest once and profit from it for many years to come.
  • Greater ROI: When compared to time-bound content, evergreen content usually yields a higher return on investment due to its enduring appeal and low maintenance requirements.

Creating Evergreen Content

Here’s how to concentrate on stuff that is timeless:

  • Identify Evergreen Topics: Seek for subjects that will always be relevant to your line of work. These could be “how-to” manuals, advice, case studies, or fundamental understanding of your industry.
  • Use Persuasive Language: Make the information in your content interesting. Employ compelling language that speaks to the needs and interests of your audience in a clear, succinct, and direct manner.
  • Leverage Social Proof and Statistics: Use social proof to bolster the trustworthiness of your material by using case studies, testimonials, and data to back up your claims.
  • Keep It Actionable: Make sure the information in your material is useful and applicable. As a result, it becomes more appealing and is more likely to be linked to and shared.

You may produce linkable assets that have lasting value, regularly rank well in search engine optimization, require less upkeep, and yield a higher return on investment by concentrating on evergreen content. Long after the initial work is completed, it’s an investment that keeps paying off.

Promoting Linkable Assets

Promoting your linkable asset is a crucial next step after creating it. This is the context in which social media marketing, SEO, and other forms of advertising are useful.

Effective Strategies for Promoting Linkable Assets

  • Content Syndication: You may expand your audience, improve your internet presence, and get more backlinks by sharing your material on various sites. Platforms for content syndication like Quuu Promote and Curata can be used for this.
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
Top 7 Linkable Assets and Creation Tips
  • Social Media Promotion: By distributing your linkable items across social media, you may reach a wider audience and improve your chances of obtaining more links.
  • Email Marketing: Distributing your material to your email list can increase backlinks, shares, and direct traffic to your website.
  • Influencer Outreach: Interact with influential people in your field. If they think your work is worthwhile, they may link to it or share it, which will increase its visibility.

Even the most captivating material may not receive the attention it merits in the absence of proper advertising.

You can make sure your linkable assets reach as many people as possible and maximize their potential to gain important backlinks by utilizing SEO and strategic advertising tactics.

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