Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

In today’s fast-paced world, recommendations and reviews of a product or service hold more weight than word-of-mouth or secondary research.

When potential customers see your genuine, positive reviews and testimonials, they are more likely to visit your website and become warm leads.

Include your name or title, company name, and website link to make it easier for them to connect with you.

7 Ways to Build Links Using Testimonials and Reviews

1. Provide Testimonials and Reviews of Products/Services

Make sure you:

a. Have actually used the product or service yourself. This will directly impact the quality and authenticity of your review or testimonial.

The screenshot below shows a user review with a backlink to the reviewer’s website.

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews
Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

b. Confirm that their target audience is also your potential audience. For example, a digital marketer impressed by a graphic designer’s endorsement or tool review is more likely to explore the designer’s profile and possibly hire them.

c. Add a personal touch. Share how you used the product, how it benefited your business, and why you plan to continue using their products and services.

This approach will make your endorsements and reviews more compelling and drive more traffic to your website.

To create testimonial/review links on other websites, follow these steps:

a. Identify the specialist products or services your company regularly uses and make a list.

b. Get the company’s contact information and ask if you can post your review or testimonial on their website. If not, send them a note expressing your appreciation for their help.

c. Provide a video testimonial as additional support.

2. Post Your Testimonials/Reviews on social media

It works in two ways:

a. The business might share your testimonial or review on their social media pages, including a link to your website. Check out the screenshot below for an example of a mention on a company’s social media account.

b. You can tag the business in the reviews or testimonials you post on your own social media.

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews
Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

Either way, you’re helping to boost your brand’s visibility and positioning.

Make sure to offer your testimonials to well-known and reputable businesses. This way, you’ll attract potential clients who are a good match for your company.

To create social media links for your testimonials and reviews, follow these steps:

a. Pitch your review or testimonial to the company’s social media accounts.

b. If they agree, use your brand style in your social media post, story, or video.

c. Always include your name or title, company name, and website link in the post’s description, and in the post itself if needed.

d. Share it on any social media platform you use.

e. If the business wants to post it on their social media, provide them with text content and a video testimonial for added support.

Also Read: Podcasts: A Link Building Boost for B2B Marketers

3. Reach Influencers in Your Niche with Your Testimonials/Reviews

Make sure to:

a. Ensure your review or testimonial is highly relevant to the influencer’s audience.

b. Keep in mind that backlinks and mentions without a link aren’t as effective as direct referrals to your website. The only exceptions are if the influencer has great authority, high credibility, or long-term B2B partnership plans with you.

To create testimonial/review links through influencers in your niche, follow these steps:

a. Research and identify influencers in your niche, ranking them by their audience reach and target market. The screenshot below shows an influencer sharing a message from a company.

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews
Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

b. Pitch your review or testimonial offer to them.

c. If they agree, provide a list of products and services relevant to their sub-niche.

d. Write a review or testimonial for any products or services you’ve personally tried and liked.

e. Include your details and website link in your review or testimonial.

f. Provide a video testimonial to support it.

4. Write A Testimonial/Review Blog on Your Website and Link/Backlink Them

A genuine, high-quality review or testimonial blog benefits readers, the reviewed businesses, and you. It’s a great way to grow both your B2C and B2B networks at the same time.

Here’s what to do:

a. Don’t focus too much on one company. Instead, include links to various businesses in your blogs.

b. Use business-related keywords in your descriptions, blog posts, and near your company name. Let readers know about you too.

c. Build relationships with other bloggers in your niche by using backlinks, guest posts, blog sharing, and blog comments.

As shown in the screenshot below, leaving comments on blogs can help you connect with webmasters and get backlinks.

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews
Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

To create testimonial/review links using blogs, follow these steps:

a. Research and gather reliable information about the products or services you plan to review.

b. Use these products or services for a while, then start writing about your experiences.

c. Only link to them when necessary; don’t overdo it.

d. Before publishing your blog, email the businesses. Let them know what you’re doing.

5. Backlink Testimonies of Your Products/Services

As you and your client discuss the keywords related to your business, this will help improve your SEO.

Here’s what to do:

a. Carefully choose reviews and testimonials to add backlinks. Pick only those that add value to your website.

b. Provide backlinks to their products and services that benefit your business.

To create testimonial/review backlinks, follow these steps:

a. Review the endorsements and reviews you’ve received.

b. Sort them based on their value and relevance to your business.

c. Select trustworthy testimonials and reviews, especially those from reputable users or experts in your field.

d. Check if you currently use their products or services.

e. If you haven’t used them yet, purchase and try the products or services that interest you, and start documenting your experience.

f. Include a backlink to these reviews on your blog, website, and social media posts.

6. Search Listing Websites and Write Testimonials/Reviews 

Make sure to:

a. Verify that the listed website has a higher Domain Authority (DA) than yours. Check out the screenshot below showing the site’s high DA.

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews
Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

b. Ensure the listing website includes a link to your website, your name or title, and your company name. If possible, add some business-related keywords next to your company name.

c. Write a testimonial or review in a friendly, simple tone, but make sure it stands out.

To create testimonial/review links using listing websites, follow these steps:

a. Search for listing websites and investigate their target audiences, reviewers, content, and posts.

b. Read similar endorsements and reviews from others in your industry.

c. Make your evaluations and testimonials unique by adding interesting details about the product or service. Mention any personal connection with the business or its founder. Use humor sensibly.

d. Include your professional photo and business information.

7. Use Your Professional Network 

The innovators and product/service launchers in your network will value your honest endorsements and reviews. Your college and university friends are the first people in your professional network.

Make sure your glowing recommendation or review is unbiased.

To create testimonial/review links within your network, follow these steps:

a. Use social media and your phone to stay in touch with your network. The screenshot below shows how to connect with experts in a specific field for site critiques.

b. Use their products or services when needed or as a test user, and stay updated with their announcements and changes.

Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews
Build Links with Testimonials and Reviews

c. Let them know directly that you are interested in their business and have used their products.

d. Write reviews and testimonials, then tag or link to the companies.

e. Occasionally promote their products and services on your blogs, social media pages, and website.

f. Attend various gatherings, conferences, seminars, and alumni meetups to expand your network. Write reviews of these events and share them via email or on their website.

g. Post reviews on your social media accounts and website.

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